Midway upon my own journey
I found myself in a dark forest
For the straightforward pathway had been lost
I could not understand where I was!

Dante lost himself into the dark forest and is looking for a way out
More and more becomes a dark path
I cannot get out of it
and the darkness falling down on me
will not let me chance, I have to stop!

Not finding his path he falls asleep; sunrays then wake him up
… and I wake up in the sun

I began to climb the mountain
but three beasts obstructing my path
hungry lion, she-wolf and a panther light
they have forced me down from the hill

Dante tries to walk up the hill he face three beasts which make him fall down
Suddenly appeared a dark shape
ghost or man ? I could not know
was my master, a great poet
who has lived in Rome, so here's Virgilio !

Dante meets his guide, Virgilio, who calms him down
….and here he's there, in front of me

and I said to him "Have you pity on me"
and he to me, calmly reassuring he said

"Rise up
and follow me to hell, where you could meet
ancient spirits, you'll see
hopefuls in flames
And then
if you want to ascend
a worthy soul will take and guide you on"

Virgilio reassures Dante with him being his guide through this long and perilous trip


......Thus said I and when he had moved,
I entered on the deep and savage way

There sighs, complaints, ululations loud
Resounded in the air , a gloomy air without stars
Languages diverse, horrible dialects and
Accents of anger, words of agony,
And the voices high and hoarse, with the sound of hands

Dante describes his feelings walking through the gate
Through the gate of hell is the way
to the dolent city forever
Waves of tears and hard is the pain
wandering among the dark people lost

Dangling my limbs across the trail
to the dolent city forever 
Life is lost and hope is over
Walking last step to eternal dole

Referring to the words above the gate "Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,per me si va tra la perduta gente...."
and here melancholy souls,
of those who lived without infamy or praise
"Speak not of them, Look and pass"
An incredible horde,
chasing flag and running unceasingly

Visions of sloths Virgilio's literal quote "Non ragioniamo di loro, guarda e passa"
And I Beheld the shade of him who made through
cowardice the great refusal

referring to pope Celestino V, who refused papacy
Black sail is coming, steered by an ancient beard
roughly shut up by my guide
"it's how is wanted there where all wished can be,
dare not asking furthermore"

Caronte's arrival, who's blamed and silenced by Virgilio Virgilio's talking
"Don't expect to face the sky
I'll take you to the other side
into the dark of forever
among frost and fire "

Caronte's talking
Through the gate of hell is the way
to the dolent city forever
Waves of tears and hard is the pain
wandering among the dark people lost

Dangling my limbs across the trail
to the dolent city forever 
Life is lost and hope is over
Walking last step to eternal dole

Referring to the words above the gate "Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,per me si va tra la perduta gente...."
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate
Literal quote

3. IN LIMBO (Canto IV)

And after that I fell
as a man-whom sleep hath seized,
breaks my lethargy
an heavy thunder

Dante's fainted, and is being relieved by a thunder's blast on the shores of Acheronte river
upon the other verge I find me
of the abyss's valley dolorous
That gathers sound of eternal laments

Obscure, profound it was, and nebulous
so dark my eyes can’t catch any living motion
Here I found myself in the blind world
where sparkles of life can burn but of damnation

Dante's describing the place where he founds himself as obscure, profound and nebulous; he also says to be unable to see anything
Let us go, for the long way...
And there now, we are listening
No lamentations, but only sighs
That tremble made the everlasting air

Dante and Virgilio are about to descend when Dante focuses on his hearing only sighs
"here we are
entering the hell with fear
this the first circle, will be the home of my pain,
my punishment is to stay here,
where no one is sinner
only not baptized....."

Virgilio tells him that Limbo contains souls of people who were not baptized, and he is part of it too
Obscure, profound it was, and nebulous
so dark my eyes can’t catch any living motion
Here I found myself in the blind world
where sparkles of life can burn but of damnation

Dante's describing the place where he founds himself as obscure, profound and nebulous; he also says to be unable to see anything


Thus I descended
down to the second (circle)
Here it comes Minos, the infernal judge ……

Dante and Virgilio go down to the second circle where they meet Minosse
And then
two souls come to me
and tell me how they were killed
condemned in the name of love

Here Dante and Virgilio come across two souls
And the woman
she only talks to me
she realized her dream
but the sentence everything has drowned

Only the female one talks to Dante: she's Francesca, she finds herself down here in hell with her loved Paolo
Love spares no one
to those who love
love's back always somehow
you can not stop

Referring to renowned sentence: “Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona”
....And the story of their agonies
make me sad, i want to cry
So I asked them how they got in hell
and how they have surrendered to love

Dante gets sad, and asks the lovers how they yielded to a "wrong" love; and they remember
She told me that one day they were reading
for delight, of Lancelot
they were alone and without fear
There was a kiss …

Galeotto was the book and he who wrote it !
Literally translated from the known sentence: "galeotto fu quel libro e chi lo scrisse"


Left alone in fear and paleness
I see the figure of my master
Demons are behind
while the gates close in a slam

Dante is overwhelmed by the surroundings
Were not we allowed? Our trip blessed?
Uncertainty holds and grasps my heart
Cannot find any confort in my guide's eyes

Dante is still frightened, looking for an explanation, and tries to find relief in Virgilio
Spine shivers as feet make them near
infernal furies stained with blood
wrapped in serpents
aimed us in a feral flight
“Medusa come, to stone will change him”

Erinni's calling for Medusa
I feared we would have ended lost there,
under the high tower in red-flaming light

From the first grade
Someone fell to here ?"
Seldom, but don't worry
I know the way

Dante asks Virgilio if someone from Limbo has ever got to where they're going to Virgilio says rarely, but reassures him telling he has already been there during past
Souls Wandering 'cross the wastelands,
Stumbling among right and wrong,
Mined by temptations and remorse
Crying for a help from above

Down here reason has not
Any Redemption but
A mere second of relief
Salvation's under light of love

Reason itself is not sufficient: it's God, as Love, to enlighten human's path
Cover my eyes
Save me from sin

heavenly messenger


….down to seventh circle
Here's what to expect

Dante and Virgilio arrive to the seventh circle’s first ring
Just behind a turn
a view eyes reject
infamy of Crete, self biting
staggered by own ferocity.

Dante bears witness of a monstrous horde, with Minotauro atop

Description of two kinds of pain, inflicted to the damned as counterpass
Seething life drops far
Here dark peace, sorrow 

Seventh circle’s infernal sights

Again, description of two kinds of pain inflicted to the damned as counterpass
Violence is lack of respect blindness towards
life and its miracle; while the
deepest of human feelings, with love

In this ring find their place those damned guilty of violence toward God
stands as a memory
of the life they have outraged
now rivers of it
burn off their cries

Blood here is Flegetonte river’s one
the solitary forest
set me in anxiety
I found hold in a branch I have torn
taken by the fear

Dante breaks a tree branch: it is Pier della Vigna who asks him to redeem his name
never thought it would have bled
no voice to utter asking
begging me to clear his name
soul spoke instead of me


There's a place
In The Hell
Known as Malebolge
Stone, and iron walls
Around as the turning circle

Generic description of the sight of Malebolge
That Venedico, who sold own sister's
dignity to his longing and avarice

They meet Venedico Caccianemico, who made his sister a prostitute
Reached slowly the tall figure of Giasone,
here for having seduced Medea

Here they meet Giasone, guilty of having seduced Medea and let her down
Among the horde, saw that one clothed
in shit like he veiled, others with praises

Alessio Interminelli, a flatterer, whose mouth “was never tired”
Near, a relentless soul: Taide, never
sit nor standing, tortured by her own nails

Taide is a whore, tortured by her very nails
Malibolgie ' est proprie vocabulum Auctoris
quia numquam tale vocabulum in aliquo loco,
nec in auctoribus poetis, nec in philosophis inveni,
nec in chronicis, nec in Sacra Scriptura

Literal latin quote by Serravalle, who describes Malebolge
circulatory running of souls
fraudolent and malicious

back and forth,
by horned demons, beating behind

Overall description of Malebolge pimps, seducers and flatterers, go back and forth at the bottom of the trench hit and whipped by demons


down the bridge
eyes to the plain
all, crying face and feets stumbling backwards

Dante, walking on a bridge, sees damned With their face torn backwards as counterpass. This horror hurts him to tears
not human
pity forced tears out my heart
facing the horror
i was touched

who are you, to cry on
those lost souls, sinners who
in their life played on others ?

Virgilio tells Dante not to cry, because those damned deserve the pain
you are right
but what I see
glancing in the dark, is pure cruelty

Cannot stand!
Whatever the sin,
all of this is far
from justice

Dante however can’t stand the sight of those inhuman Creatures, who were human beings
don't ever dare to doubt
you're a merely mortal
and not allowed to discuss
the divine judgement given

Virgilio reproaches him, remembering not to discuss God’s judgement
No one can discover the future
reading the vast constellations
only god
set the divine rules of fate

Here are fortunetellers, who try to foresee the future, but only God can: thus condemning them to hell
and in this circle are comndamned
those who looked too much far before him
and now they're forced forever just look back
as counterpass! adulterating holy laws
and justifying the lies of the lords 
that's all,we walked away


a long journey to
the wisdom's shore calls to the hero
back to home

Introducing Ulisse
near the bridge, now approaching, a shiny
dual flame a breath of wind shakes one of them,
and waving as a talking tongue breaking silence

Dante and Virgilio see two flames, one of those is Ulisse who tells about his long and troubled journey
neither love, my old father, nor missing my son
took my soul from craving to sail,
away on the waves, searching for the unknown

Ulisse narrates his journey from his own point of view
those ones who didn't left me
we sailed the tides
old and spent we arrived to the pillars

fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza

Literal quote
we turned oars into wings
in our Flying,
southern constellations
were shining

Description of Ulisse’s arrival, the journey’s end
when that mountain appeared
highest ever,
our joy became tears
sinking us

into the remote mist
and shift the bound onward

the only one who can
enlight your journey, now

Ulisse urges to sail to the unknown because this is human nature

Dante does not agree and confirms that only God can enlighten humans’ light
hey brothers o' mine,
consciousness has no
age, nor stands as a flag

once at a border
never negate yourself
a way beyond it
right trough our Sun

Ulisse reiterates the concept to jump over the boundaries of knowledge to discover more and more


smoke and burning air unravel
just one standing above another
teeths to the bones, eating him out
everlasting feral meal  

Dante focused on the figure of a damned biting another’s neck: count Ugolino.
jaws drowning into living blood
claws in deep, making him despair
only echoes of hate
while time wipes all but the pain

"e se non piangi, di che pianger suoli?"

Literal quote
such a sighting pushes my heart
feeding courage to ask the reason
as he raises head from torture
tears start melting with the blood

Dante can’t stand the sight
cleaning mouth with his victim’s hair
he will tell his desperation
an infame betrayer
such grief to brake a heart down

Ed ecco son qui guardo fuori da questo pertugio
la luce morra', nella torre restiamo serrati
il domani sara' noncurante del nostro destino
e poi .... e poi .... e poi .........

Ugolino is talking: locked inside the tower, cries in despair because he realizes he’ll die there
pale moonlight shines on,
revealing on him gracility of need,
door locked forever

blind eyes in tears
my hurt palms on their bodies
not a breathe, neither a mere heartbeat
And Surrender to sorrow

Count Ugolino, prisoner inside the tower with his sons, tells about his feelings
alas pisa! people disgrace
neighbours so slow and lazy...
if only the two islands could
unite and wall arno up
to make you sink, people drowning
maybe guilty,
but can be his innocent souls
considered the same?
modern thebes

Dante’s invective against Pisa, guilty for having reiterated the same crimes Thebe’s had, imprisoning the Count (guilty for giving away important castles) along with his sons: blameless for the early age.

11. STARS (Canto XXXIV):

    I Lucifero

Behold Dite !
this is the place where you'd better
with fortitude must arm thyself
I then raised my eyes, the vision was there

They arrive to Dite, infernal city where there is the sixth ring
The emperor
of the kingdom dolorous
gigantic was in front of me
I did not die, and not I remained alive

Dante and Virgilio get close to Lucifero: a majestic figure stuck in ice
Without forces I got along
Toiling without words in silence,
my mind staggered in a storm of emotions,
nightmares petrified me

Dante’s reaction to the sight of Lucifero

"Vexilla Regis Prodeunt Inferni"

Literal latin quote
lord of hell is here
majestic rises from the ice
with regality
like a tower
three faces on his head

lord of hell is here
deceiver, fallen from the sky
pulsing core of pain
beaten by god
immortal evil/demon

Description of the sight of Lucifero

   II Cosmo

Before leaving hell,
without any rest,
and walking right
into that hidden road
to return to the bright world

And Ere from the abyss
I tear myself away
I feel the urge to ask
my guide for answers …

Just before leaving hell, Dante feels the urge of asking Virgilio some questions
Thus I said my Lead:
"Where is the ice?
How is he kept
Stuck upside down?
And how the sun
made its day path in
such a short time? "

These are the three questions Dante’s asking his guide
Now we are beneath the hemispere
and we pass the point
to which things heavy
with great force draw from every side

Here it is morning when it's eve there
The beast is still
Fixed the way he was
Cast off and fallen from the skies

Virgilio answers Dante: he says they have passed the Earth’s centre and will exit on the other side, so night and day are inverted

  III Finally Ascendant

Below There's a place 
Which is Known not by the sight
But by The sound of a small river

Description of the scene around, the slowly ascent for leaving hell
Gushing from the stone eroded
and just slightly falls

Me and my Master Without care 
Forever leave hell to rebehold the stars

Forever Leaving Hell

"E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle."

Literal quote
forever leave hell
rising to the heavens
eyes towards the blue
to return to the bright world
turn my back to pain
aiming to the everlasting love
fill my heart with light
like a sky full of stars
finally ascendant